my birthday just around the corner..ihiks..just hope somebody could give me a present that i wish getting older babe..became 23th....
1. A nice Holiday with a great view...need to relax my 'otak' before it became stress into the incoming semester...xperlu jauh la..pulau kapas pon ok..
2. A sporty Car to take me to the holiday spot...klo xde keta camne nak g i really needed for the incoming semester to gonna travel a lot but only have motobike ~sigh~...
3. DSLR camera to capture all the great moment in my i can remember it through all of my life...
4. Need a nice handbag dah koyak dah..really need a new one..
5. i want a new shoe...kasut slalu bw g klas dah koyak dah..almost 3 years xde kasot baru nak p klas...and also heels..dah lm xbli juga..asyik pki yg sm je...
6. I want a new bagpack...almost 4 years pakai beg yg same..mahu juga rase beg baru...
7. A brand new laptop been sooooo sloow..really need one..
hope i can get some of the present that i want for my birthday...